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Updated: 3 min 15 sec ago

Zafiro Nord Dark [Global Themes (Plasma 5)]

Fri, 2024/01/19 - 5:07pm
Global theme of Zafiro Nord. this is a fork of Nordic bluish KDE by eliverlara the theme zafiro nord use the colors pallete...

windows 11 dark sddm [SDDM Login Themes]

Fri, 2024/01/19 - 5:06pm

The Icy Peaks at Night [Wallpapers KDE Plasma]

Fri, 2024/01/19 - 5:05pm
A minimalistic, moody wallpaper made with the beautiful Nord color scheme. merit to the creator original...

Windows 12 sddm [SDDM Login Themes]

Fri, 2024/01/19 - 5:05pm

Apple sddm v1 [SDDM Login Themes]

Fri, 2024/01/19 - 5:04pm
Apple sddm is not the first sddm-theme but it is the closest to the real appearance of the macos login screen, it matches the design of macos...

Zafiro Nord v2 [Global Themes (Plasma 5)]

Fri, 2024/01/19 - 4:58pm
Check the "desktop layout" box and watch your entire desktop change completely. javascript and bash scripts are used to automate the...

Nordic Melancholy [Wallpapers KDE Plasma]

Fri, 2024/01/19 - 4:57pm
wallpaper created with ia midjourney, published on discord, colors were modified and added more outline with editing tools and other ai, This...

Apple-Catalina-Dark [Plasma Themes]

Fri, 2024/01/19 - 4:56pm
theme globa that imitates MacOS Catalina in its dark version

Deskclock [Plasma 5 Clocks]

Fri, 2024/01/19 - 4:40pm
clock plasmoid based on Clear Clock by qewer at store.kde.org. [list] [*] Added method to better center the text [*] transparency in time [*]...

Glass Bunker [Wallpapers KDE Plasma]

Fri, 2024/01/19 - 4:40pm

Solo clock [Plasma 5 Clocks]

Fri, 2024/01/19 - 4:39pm

Uzuri-forAll-Themes [SDDM Login Themes]

Fri, 2024/01/19 - 4:39pm

Windows-Beuty-Dark [Plasma Themes]

Fri, 2024/01/19 - 4:38pm

coffee [Wallpapers KDE Plasma]

Fri, 2024/01/19 - 4:37pm

windows-eleven [Plasma Themes]

Fri, 2024/01/19 - 4:27pm
based on win11OS by yeyushengfan258, add icons for notification widgets more similar to those of windows

Circle Widget Music [Plasma 5 Multimedia]

Fri, 2024/01/19 - 4:26pm

Apple Sonoma v1 SDDM [SDDM Login Themes]

Fri, 2024/01/19 - 4:26pm
apple sonoma v1 is the first sddm theme that imitates the appearance of the new macos sonoma, was created using as base the theme ROUNDED-DARK by...

Zafiro-Nord-Dark-Blue [Global Themes (Plasma 5)]

Fri, 2024/01/19 - 4:25pm
zafiro blue global theme nord

UnityEvolution [Plasma Color Schemes]

Fri, 2024/01/19 - 4:24pm