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Updated: 20 min 37 sec ago

Moe-Dark kvantum [Kvantum]

Wed, 2024/02/07 - 1:44am
Kvantum theme for Moe-Dark plasma theme https://store.kde.org/p/1284575/ Based on KvAdaptaDark by Tsu Jan -...

Moe Dark - Dark Souls [Wallpapers KDE Plasma]

Wed, 2024/02/07 - 1:43am
Dark Souls Wallpaper by Moe Dark Plasma Theme Moe Dark Plasma Theme: https://www.pling.com/p/1717576/ Look and feel: https://www.pling.com/p/1717596/

Moe Look-and-Feel [Global Themes (Plasma 5)]

Wed, 2024/02/07 - 1:43am
Moe Look-and-Feel theme. Moe is a light theme, with blur transparencies and red tones with gradients. Moe Plasma theme...

Moe Themes [Plasma Themes]

Wed, 2024/02/07 - 1:42am
Light theme, with blur transparencies and red tones with gradients. Video of Moe theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSKXN2rjBag Based on...

Moe Aurorae [Plasma Window Decorations]

Wed, 2024/02/07 - 1:42am
Aurorae theme for Moe plasma theme. Based on McMojave by Vinceliuice https://github.com/vinceliuice/McMojave-kde

Moe Color Schemes [Plasma Color Schemes]

Wed, 2024/02/07 - 1:41am
Moe color-schemes for Moe Plasma Theme https://store.kde.org/p/1284575/

Moe Konsole Theme [Konsole Color Schemes]

Wed, 2024/02/07 - 1:41am
Moe Konsole theme for Moe Plasma theme https://store.kde.org/p/1284575/

Moe-Kvantum [Kvantum]

Wed, 2024/02/07 - 1:41am
Kvantum theme for Moe plasma theme https://store.kde.org/p/1284575/ Based on KvAdaptaDark by Tsu Jan -...

Moe - Dark Souls [Wallpapers KDE Plasma]

Wed, 2024/02/07 - 1:40am
Dark Souls Wallpaper by Moe Plasma Theme Moe Plasma Theme: https://www.pling.com/p/1284575/ Look and feel: https://www.pling.com/p/1338879/

Leaf Loading [Plasma Splashscreens]

Wed, 2024/02/07 - 1:05am
KDE Plasma Splashscreen

Catppuccin Mocha - transparent [Konsole Theme] [Various Plasma Theming]

Wed, 2024/02/07 - 12:55am
If you want to download the original version of Catppuccin Mocha go to https://github.com/catppuccin/konsole. This is a fork of the original...

Sweet KDE [Global Themes (Plasma 5)]

Tue, 2024/02/06 - 11:40pm
A dark and modern theme for Plasma [h2][B][color=#FF0000]¡IMPORTANT![/color][/B][/h2] [B] Hi, if you are really enjoying these themes from me and ...

Sweet KDE [Plasma Themes]

Tue, 2024/02/06 - 11:40pm
A dark and modern theme for Plasma based on the awesome [url=https://store.kde.org/p/998869/]Helium[/url]...

Candy icons [Full Icon Themes]

Tue, 2024/02/06 - 11:11pm
Sweet gradient icon theme originally created to fit my [url=https://www.gnome-look.org/p/1253385/]Sweet[/url]...

Candy icons [Full Icon Themes]

Tue, 2024/02/06 - 11:11pm
Sweet gradient icon theme originally created to fit my [url=https://www.gnome-look.org/p/1253385/]Sweet[/url]...

Andromeda [Global Themes (Plasma 5)]

Tue, 2024/02/06 - 10:54pm
A modern dark theme with a taste o f the universe for kde based on my...

Andromeda [Global Themes (Plasma 5)]

Tue, 2024/02/06 - 10:54pm
A modern dark theme with a taste o f the universe for kde based on my...

Andromeda Plasma [Plasma Themes]

Tue, 2024/02/06 - 10:54pm
A modern dark theme with a taste o f the universe for plasma based on my...

Andromeda Plasma [Plasma Themes]

Tue, 2024/02/06 - 10:54pm
A modern dark theme with a taste o f the universe for plasma based on my...

Andromeda Aurorae [Plasma Window Decorations]

Tue, 2024/02/06 - 10:54pm
A modern dark theme with a taste o f the universe for aurorae based on my...